
Digital Elevation for Enterprise Elevators

XeP3, a product by Bevington Group, is an innovative and powerful tool helping businesses across industries elevate their productivity and transform their organisational structures. Such a unique and exciting process needed a website that reflected the opportunity it represented for its potential clients, so 360South was brought on board for a website overhaul and branding polish. Now XeP3’s digital presence matches the slick professional outcomes it as a product continues to achieve for its stakeholders.

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Process and Branding Combined

When using innovative processes to overhaul workflows and organisations it’s important to achieve clarity across all representations of your product and business. While undertaking the website build, 360South also collaborated with XeP3 to ensure that the aesthetics of the website and brand reflected the processes they were striving to introduce. In a rather wonderful marrying of branding and practicality, the colour scheme of the website and logo mirrors the language of the business transformation processes XeP3 brings to their clients. This unification of aesthetics and practice gives users a sense of cohesion across all aspects of the XeP3 brand and process.


The Right Message,
to the Right People

The XeP3 processes are unique and innovative, but new processes can feel unfamiliar and overwhelm potential clients. As part of the overhaul of XeP3’s user experience, 360South was able to help the team communicate the value of XeP3 to potential clients. By focusing more on illuminating the process to third-party clients, rather than outlining it in a way the internal team understood, the website is now communicating with its users more effectively and generating more engagement for the brand overall.


Build out of Brilliance

It’s a common misconception that as a digital design company we only ever start from scratch with our clients. But many clients already have great elements present in their branding, website or content. It is part of the design process at 360South for us to work with them on what to keep, change or leave behind. The XeP3 logo is a great example of stellar design effectively communicating what their process is all about. But the design they previously had was looking a little tired. So rather than starting from scratch, we got to work with an already established brand identity and refresh it so that it fully integrated with the new XeP3 digital landscape.






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